This community of people uses multiple acronyms which may include “Q” to represent Queer people, “A” for Asexual, and “P” for Pansexual e.g. LGBTIQ/LGBTQI/GLBTIQ/LGBTIQAP. Also used are DSG/GSD/SGD (Diversity in Sexuality and Gender). Diversity in sexuality and gender can affect development of social relationships in many ways. Risk factors may include:[1], [2], [3], [4]
- a lack of opportunity for expression of sexual or gender identity
- a lack of family support; not being valued by others
- substance abuse (prescribed/illicit drugs); alcohol misuse
- depression; anxiety; stress; dual diagnosis (e.g. a mental health issue + drug/alcohol misuse)
- self-harming behavior; sexual risk-taking
- a history of verbal, sexual and/or physical victimisation and abuse
- disengagement from schooling
- workplace discrimination and/or blocked career opportunities
- living in a rural environment; social exclusion; homelessness; poverty
- prejudice e.g. homophobia, transphobia and heterosexism
- chronic health conditions; having a disability
- struggles with spirituality and religion
- problems with legal rights
- marginalisation and being forced back into the closet (mainly older people)
Useful contacts for LGBTI people
- 2 Spirits Program – Indigenous http://www.qahc.org.au/2-spirits-promoting-healthy-aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-communities and Phone: (07) 4041 5451
- Another Closet - Domestic & Family Violence http://www.anothercloset.com.au/ Phone: 1800 656 463 (24 hours)
- Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council www.agmc.org.au
- Beyond Blue https://www.beyondblue.org.au/who-does-it-affect/lesbian-gay-bi-trans-and-intersex-lgbti-people
- DVConnect Mensline Phone: 1800 600 636 (9am–12 midnight)
- DVConnect Womensline Phone: 1800 811 811 (24 hours)
- eheadspace https://www.eheadspace.org.au/ Phone: 1800 650 890
- headspace https://www.headspace.org.au/young-people/sexuality-and-mental-health/
- Head to health https://headtohealth.gov.au/search-resources
- Kids Helpline https://kidshelpline.com.au/teens/tips/sexual-and-gender-identity/ Phone: 1800 55 1800 (24 hours)
- Lifeline Phone: 13 11 14 (24 hours)
- National LGBTI Health Alliance www.lgbtihealth.org.au and http://lgbtihealth.org.au/mindout
- Open Doors Youth Service www.opendoors.net.au Phone: 07 3256 7660
- Parents, Friends and Families of LGBT people www.pflagbrisbane.org.au Phone: 0400 767 832
- Qlife https://qlife.org.au Phone: 1800 184 527 3pm to midnight in your state
- Queensland Aids Council www.qahc.org.au Phone: 1800 884 401
- Reachout (for youth) http://au.reachout.com/lgbtiq-support-services
- The Rainbow Counselling Service http://www.raq.org.au/services/rainbow-counselling-service Phone: 1300 364 277
[1] Queensland Aids Council. (2017). Fact sheet 1: Mental health and well being in lesbian gay bisexual transgender (LGBT) communities. Retrieved from http://www.qahc.org.au/sites/default/files/Mental_Health_LGBT_factsheet-w_0.pdf
[2] https://www.beyondblue.org.au/who-does-it-affect/lesbian-gay-bi-trans-and-intersex-lgbti-people/factors-affecting-lgbti-people
[3] McNair, R. et al (2003). Addressing health inequalities in Victorian lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 11(1): 32-38.
[4] Rosenstreich, G. (2013). LGBTI People Mental Health and Suicide. (Rev. 2nd ed.) Sydney, Australia: National LGBTI Health Alliance.