These features of young adults are to be considered along with the Risk factors page
- Impulsivity
- Previous suicidal behaviour
- Prone to handle bad feelings with alcohol, cannabis and other drugs
- Likely to know another who has done it
- May be part of risk taking behaviour or self-harm or exhibit multiple “accident prone” incidents
- Being bullied (e.g. at workplace or university)
- A sense of failure at training place or university
- A sense of failure in relationships
- Experience of discrimination, isolation and relationship conflicts with family, friends and others because of sexuality
- Lack of care about clothes and appearance, sudden change in weight
- Changes in emotions and behaviour (depression, anxiety, severe anger, aggressiveness)
- Withdrawal from friends and social activities
- Change in social values and pessimism in society
- Homelessness
What Young Adults With Suicidal Thoughts Tell Us About Their Situation
1.They have a sense of having no control over things happening in their lives.
2.They feel under pressure.
3.There has been a break-up of important relationships.
4.They want to escape from depression.
The suicide attempt may signal not so much a wish to die as a wish for the hurting to stop.
Some Reasons For Attempting Suicide
Some reasons given by young people for attempting suicide are indicated as follows in descending order1
- The situation was so unbearable that I had to do something and I didn’t know what else to do.
2. I wanted to stop feeling the pain.
Useful Contacts For Young Adults