What About Children? What Should They Be Told?
Difficulties may arise around how to tell children about a suicide. It is natural to want to protect a child from distressing information. It may seem that in order to protect them from hurt it is best to avoid the truth.
Children will observe what is going on around them. If what they are told is different from what they see or overhear they will be further confused. They will fill in any missing information with their own. This may be more harmful than the truth. They may even believe that they are responsible – “I didn’t love mummy enough” “I was too naughty” etc.
Be honest with children and use language that is appropriate for their age and to their culture. Parents have found it useful to explain death “as being when the body stops working” and suicide as “when someone makes their body stop working” (p. 8).[1] This referenced booklet can be downloaded from the website given in the reference below. Remember to check out how children understand what you are telling them. It is very important for children to receive attention and support following a death.
[1] Noonan, K., & Douglas, A. (2002). Supporting children after suicide- Information for parents and other care givers. Sydney, Australia: New South Wales Health Department.
Survivors Of Suicide
This term is often commonly confused with one who has made an attempt but not suicided. Survivors of suicide are those left behind following a death by suicide (e.g. a loved one, family member, friend, relative or colleague). Those bereaved by suicide are victims of an intensely traumatic event. Support and contact with survivors needs to be made within 24 hours of suicide.
After Suicide
Survivors Of Suicide
Common Grief Reactions Following A Suicide May Include
Beyond Surviving
Talking To Others About The Suicide
Why Are Others Not Able To Comfort Me?
What About Children? What Should They Be Told?
Cultural Needs
You Need To Take Time
A List Of Services That May Need To Be Contacted Includes[4]:
What Is A Coroner’s Report?
What Other Things Can I Do To Care For Myself?[5]
How Long Does This Pain Last?
Supporting Those Bereaved Through Suicide
[1] Clark, S. (1995). After Suicide: Help for the Bereaved. Melbourne, Australia: Hill of Content.
[2] Bolton I, (1983) My Son…My Son…A Guide to Healing After Death, Loss, or Suicide. Roswell, GA: Bolton Press Atlanta.
[3] Noonan, K., & Douglas, A. (2002). Supporting children after suicide- Information for parents and other care givers. Sydney, Australia: New South Wales Health Department. Retrieved from www.health.nsw.gov.au/pubs/2002/pdf/supporting_children_.pdf
[4] Centrelink. (2011). Needing help after someone has died? Retrieved from http://www.eluvia.com.au/content/apps/assetlibrary/MjI0NTA4OTMw0/needing-help-after-someone-has-died-centrelink-guide.pdf
[5] Clark, S. (1995). After Suicide: Help for the Bereaved. Melbourne, Australia: Hill of Content.
[6] Bolton, I. M. (1987). Our son Mitch. In E.J. Dunne, J.L. McIntosh & K. Dunne-Maxim (Eds.), Suicide and its aftermath: Understanding and counselling the survivors (pp. 85−94). New York: Norton.