Some Features Of Men And Women Aged 25-55
These are features of men and women aged 25-55 to be considered along with risk factors.
- Life event (e.g. separation, loss of custody of children, loss of job, bankruptcy, imprisonment).
- Personal characteristics (e.g. aggressiveness, hopelessness, poor sense of control, low self-esteem, rigid thinking, worrying, reduced problem solving capacity, impulsivity).
- Poor social connections, antisocial behaviour.
- Neighbourhood crime.
- Feelings of shame, inadequacy and defeat.
- Lack of meaning and purpose in life.
- Mood disorders, (eg. bipolar disorder, depression).
- Alcohol and illicit drug use disorders.
- Childhood sexual abuse.
- Intimate partner violence
- Low income level.
- Seasonal (un)employment.
- Those in rural and remote areas may experience
- climatic variability,
- political issues related to the farming industry,
- economic fluctuations, and
- the impact of mining.
- Difficult to access this group to give them health information.
- Men are often too ashamed of their suicidal thoughts to mention that they have them.
- Australian males’ help-seeking behaviours may be negatively influenced by masculine stereotypes and perceptions of stoicism and self-sufficiency.
- Veterans may experience PTSD, bereavement through fellow soldiers’ suicide, and problematic help seeking.
- Fertility issues, pregnancy (wanted/unwanted), postnatal depression, menopause.
- Pregnancy, Birth and Baby helpline Phone 1800 882 436 (24 hours)
- Raising Children Network
- Relationships Australia Phone: 1300 364 277
- Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service Phone: 1800 011 046 (24 hours)
- Veterans and Veterans Families: Health and Wellbeing
Multiple factors can interact to lead a person to suicidal behaviour, for example:
Impulsivity + alcohol + mental health disorder + life event = high risk combination
Useful contacts for men and women
- Australasian Menopause Society Phone: 03 9428 8738
- Australian Men’s Shed Association Phone: 1300 550 009
- Beyond Blue Phone: 1300 224 636 (24 hours)
- Blue Knot Foundation Information and Counselling Support Helpline for adults affected by childhood trauma/abuse Phone: 1300 657 380
- Children of Parents with a Mental Illness
- Family Drug Support Phone: 1300 368 186 (24 hours)
- FNQ Suicide Prevention Taskforce
- Information on Mental Health issues, programs and services
- Lifeline Phone: 13 11 14 (24 hours)
- Mates in Construction Phone: 1300 642 111 (24 hours)
- MensLine Australia Phone: 1300 78 99 78 (24 hours)
- National Sexual Assault and Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service Phone: 1800 737 732 (24 hours)
- On the line Australia suicide callback service and online counselling at Phone: 1300 659 467 (24 hours)
- Parents Beyond Breakup Support for Separated Dads in Distress and Mums in Distress Phone 1300 853 437
[1] Kõlves, K., Kumpula, E., & De Leo, D. (eds.). (2013). Suicidal behaviours in men: determinants and prevention. Brisbane, Australia: Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention.
[2] Suicide Prevention Australia (2016). Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour in Women – Issues and Prevention. A Discussion Paper. Sydney, Australia: Suicide Prevention Australia.
[3] Hunt, T., Wilson, C.J., Caputi, P., Woodward, A., & Wilson, I. (2017). Signs of current suicidality in men: A systematic review. PLoS ONE 12(3), e0174675.
Impulsivity + alcohol + mental health disorder + life event = high risk combination